Monday, December 11, 2006

30% of Pontchartrain Park done

I expect at least 15 participants in the project today. It could be more. I got a call a few minutes ago from Norbert, who is helping us with the planning of local assignments, and he is going out to where we have a group mapping in Pontchartrain Park.

I came to our office at UNO with three Dartmouth graduate students: Abbey, Harsha, and Julie. Pam, business owner from Virginia and Tuck Exec alum, came in a few minutes ago.

My research assistant Christiana is out in the field with a couple of Dartmouth undergraduates, walking the other 6 graduate students through color coding for the first time.

We're beginning the day with about 30% of the Pontchartrain Park completed. I'll blog so more or add comments to this post as the day goes if I can.


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